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Yoga: Open Up and Say Ahhh:

Yoga: Open Up and Say Ahhh:

Our day-to-day routines often have us staring down at phones or hunched over laptops, leaving chest muscles contracted forward and necks in pain.  To realign our upper bodies, we need to open through the chest and shoulders and lengthen the spine. Check with your...

Quiet Strength

Quiet Strength

It’s the Holiday’s and traveling is among many, taking time to relax our minds and enjoy a break from the norm, but that doesn’t mean your health has to take a backseat. We often struggle to find the equipment we’d prefer, or perhaps you don’t have a comfortable...

Yoga for stress relief

Yoga for stress relief

Holidays are a wonderful time of year with friends and family, yet the hustle and bustle can leave you feeling anxious and depleted instead of joyful. Incorporating calming yoga can greatly reduce stress and make your festive season jollier. Easy Pose (Sukhasana) with...

Fitness: Back to the Basics

Fitness: Back to the Basics

I do not know many or any if that, who would say, “I don’t care how my abs look”. Most of us work diligently to sculpt our abdominal muscles, but what about the other side?  A strong back not only helps prevent injury and promote better posture, but it helps to pull...

Yoga: To the Core

Yoga: To the Core

Golfers are finding that strength training, especially in their core, can increase power in the rotation of their swing. Greater power can produce longer drives. A stronger core can also protect your back from injury. For best results, do these postures 3-5 times per...

YOGA: Get Hip to Hips

YOGA: Get Hip to Hips

Golfers often focus on upper back flexibility, yet neglect opening the hips. This can lead to a tight low back, putting you at possible risk for injury. Improving the range of motion in your hips can reduce injury risks in your back, and yield a deeper twist in your...

Glutes: Not just cosmetics

Glutes: Not just cosmetics

When we hear someone say they want to work on their core, most tend to think they are referring to their abdominal muscles, which may be true, however; the core also includes the glutes. It’s no secret that more women are making an effort to improve the appearance of...

Getting Golf Strong

Getting Golf Strong

Golfers sustain injuries. That’s a fact. The golf swing can be a thing of beauty for the skillfully trained, but it is a learned motion which requires practice and patience to perfect. Strength is an important component in all physical activity. The golf swing is no...

Yoga for golfers

Yoga for golfers

Every golfer knows the importance of flexibility in the shoulders to achieve a better swing. In addition to tight shoulders and back, the body can become imbalanced with the continual repetitive rotation that occurs with the golf swing. Yoga can assist in increasing...