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Fitness: Back to the Basics

Fitness: Back to the Basics

I do not know many or any if that, who would say, “I don’t care how my abs look”. Most of us work diligently to sculpt our abdominal muscles, but what about the other side?  A strong back not only helps prevent injury and promote better posture, but it helps to pull...

The Lone Star Mule

The Lone Star Mule

Lone Star Mule With the temperatures getting down to just about perfect, you need a beverage that captures the brisk bite of fall while still going down refreshingly easy. Here at Spec’s, we put a Texas twist on the popular Moscow Mule to spur it along into the...

Empire of the Dumpling

Empire of the Dumpling

It’s always fascinating when something humble is elevated to international fame and status. Such is the case with a small shop that started in Taipei in 1972 and the little soup dumplings that eventually earned them Michelin status and a presence in eleven countries...

Holy Wine!

Holy Wine!

Though the grapes for Vin Santo, a beautiful amber colored dessert wine from Tuscany are picked in September and October they are destined to lie on mats of straw in barns and attics for up to 6 months before they are crushed to make wine. They are kept warm and well...

Cigars: Welcome to the lifestyle

Cigars: Welcome to the lifestyle

Cigar smoking is a lifestyle. What is meant by "it is a lifestyle?" Smoking a cigar is a gentleman’s/ladies’ recreation. A cigar lounge is one of the few places you will see a Congressman sitting next to a truck driver having a meaningful or frivolous conversation,...

Alternative Investments

Alternative Investments

Investors, both institutional and retail, often invest in alternatives in pursuit of greater diversification or risk reduction; however, alternatives might fail to reliably accomplish these goals. Portfolio Construction Typically within a diversified portfolio, stocks...

Yoga: To the Core

Yoga: To the Core

Golfers are finding that strength training, especially in their core, can increase power in the rotation of their swing. Greater power can produce longer drives. A stronger core can also protect your back from injury. For best results, do these postures 3-5 times per...

Texas Whiskey: Nice and Neat

Texas Whiskey: Nice and Neat

It used to be that you could look at a steer and tell where it came from by one look at the brand on its hide. But as more and more cowboys started to raise stock, the brands became as convoluted as the stock themselves. At the end of the day, the only thing that...

YOGA: Get Hip to Hips

YOGA: Get Hip to Hips

Golfers often focus on upper back flexibility, yet neglect opening the hips. This can lead to a tight low back, putting you at possible risk for injury. Improving the range of motion in your hips can reduce injury risks in your back, and yield a deeper twist in your...