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Music on the Course

Music on the Course

Every time I play golf with someone who fires up a speaker in the golf cart cup holder, I can't help but think of the 1980 movie, "Caddyshack." There's a scene in which Rodney Dangerfield's crass character, Al Czervick, cranks up...

Memorial Park Golf Course

Memorial Park Golf Course

You can thank Houston Astros owner Jim Crane for the new Memorial Park Golf Course in Houston. It was his generosity and the newly formed Astros Golf Foundation that basically saved the Houston Open from extinction and in the process moved the longtime PGA Tour event...

Do You Have a Power Leak?

Do You Have a Power Leak?

Everyone wants to hit it further and losing power can be very frustrating.  Your irons do not fly as far, or they all go about the same distance.  The driver is just not rolling out very far and the holes just play too long. Urghh!! The number one power leak is the...

Dallas National stands apart

Dallas National stands apart

I’d heard things. Being in the golf industry, there’s no way I could have missed all the superlatives, the plaudits, the number-one-rankings and the celebrity and Tour player name-drops through the years. But, how the heck had I made it almost two decades without even...

Is it time for a swing change?

Is it time for a swing change?

One of the greatest things about golf - we are always learning. Some of the bests of all time have had multiple coaches over their successful careers, yet many have also failed in "the search of perfection". This could also apply to the best coaches on the planet who...

The search for a better swing goes high tech

The search for a better swing goes high tech

You may have heard the saying, “If you want to play golf, don’t get into the golf business.” I would add “or have a bunch of kids.” I have four daughters so my golf time is limited. I love to play, but I have to pore over several school and dance calendars to find a...

Chasing Speed

Chasing Speed

Drive for show, putt for dough? Here are some fun facts from the PGA Tour.  In 2020, the PGA Tour driving distance average was 296 yards. 29 of the 36 events (81%) were won by players who averaged more than 296 yards. In the last two full PGA seasons, only 11 of 81...