The best hip opener yoga poses for golfers
Having proper hip mobility is an essential piece of any golfer’s game. A golfer who has tight hips can develop compensatory movements. It can also cause pain and injuries. Establishing and maintaining hip mobility allows for golfers to have a smoother turn in their backswing and downswing. It also helps increase power by allowing for the optimal rotation needed during the golf swing. Hip-opener yoga poses are essential for a better game.
The following yoga poses can help you to increase hip mobility.
- Half child’s pose with internal hip rotation
Trains internal hip rotation; stabilizes and lengthens lower back muscles; stretches upper back and shoulders; encourages ankle mobility.
- Butterfly pose
A classic hip opener is the butterfly pose is suitable for all levels, so it’s a helpful addition to most yoga routines. Because the posture improves flexibility and reduces tension, it’s ideal for people who have tight hips.
- Begin in a seated position.
- Gently bend your knees and press the soles of your feet together.
- Interlace your fingers around the pinkie-toe side of your feet or place your hands on your ankles or shins.
- Lengthen your spine and broaden across your chest.
- Stay in this position for up to 5 minutes.
- Reclining Butterfly Pose
It is a restorative pose that is an excellent hip and chest opener. Due to its reclining posture and relaxing effect, it is often performed toward the end of a yoga session.
- Lie down on your yoga mat with your legs bent at the knee and feet grounded.
- Keep the feet together and by externally rotating your hips, tilt both knees sideways.
- Bring the soles of your feet together, just like you would in the seated version of this pose.
- Pigeon pose
Make sure to do gentle hip openers and stretches before attempting the pigeon pose.
- Start on your hands and knees with your knee aligned with your hips and your wrists aligned with your shoulders.
- Bend your right knee and bring it to a comfortable position between your hands. Try to make sure your right foot is touching your left hip. Keep your hips touching the ground.
- Take your left leg and stretch fully behind you while tucking your toes under your feet.
- Hold this pose for a few breaths. Change to the opposite leg.
By Nicole Pinter